Best Career Tips From Basar Kutlu

Meet the MissFit, Basar Kutlu

Brand Director | AGALA |

What is some of the best career advice you have received that you also apply to your personal life?

Look for the potential in everything! When you let your imagination run wild, you find yourself in the act of creating, and it starts with a simple question: “what if”. Seeing the possibilities of what something can be not only sparks your creativity but strengthens your ability to process information and problem solve. This notion applies to simple, everyday challenges, so the next time you run out of milk for a recipe, try mixing half & half with water and see where that takes you.

What would you say to the aspiring marketer who wants to make an impact on the world?

The best marketers are master observers. Strive to be a first class noticer and take in as much as you can of the world that presents something new to learn, experience and build upon every day.

If you had the attention of every marketer what would you say to them?

No matter how cool your media is, no one is going to buy your story unless they trust you. Focus on experiences that inspire and fuel customers with desire to become your biggest champions. They already do your marketing for you, so why not give them a better reason? I stand for those that can humanize, not personalize.

What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?

Leave your ego at the door and energize your people to serve the greater good. Lead by example, inspire great work and never stop learning from others!

What’s the biggest risk you ever took?

At 25, I left my family, friends, and comfort zone for good and moved to the United States to start a venture and bring newness to an insanely saturated market with major players. Through that experience, I learned a lot more about what it takes to successfully build a brand than my extensive studies in business ever taught me.

How do you define success?

One thing we are all dealt evenly is the ability to become the best version of ourselves, so success is the feeling of fulfillment/happiness from the absolute value of how far we have come from where we started. This has a different connotation for all of us… Success to me is living a life full of purpose, positive impact, and inspiration, for yourself and others.

Best Tip For Getting Hard Work Noticed

“Hard work speaks for itself, but you may not be praised for it. Don’t do it for the pat on the back, do it for YOU.”

Find her full interview in our ebook!

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